Did you ever have a Milano moment? Did you ever have a time in your life that you realized "life is sweet?" I do have those moments, everyday! It's the little things in life that make me appreciate life even more. The love of my children, their smiles, their giggles, that special look in my husband's eyes, everyday that I have with my father who is battling lung cancer and many more.
Pepperidge Farm is hosting a Milano Moment Campaign on their facebook page (
http://bit.ly/MilanoFacebook) supporting Susan G. Komen for the Cure. For every Milano Moment posted on their facebook page in October, Pepperidge Farms will donate $.50 per Moment up to $50,000. When you share a Milano Moment you help continue the fight against breast cancer, so working together we can find a cure. Go share your
Milano Moment and support a great cause.
Also enjoy some Milano's with this $.55 off coupon
here*Disclosure: I wrote this for the One2One Network and have been entered to win one of fifteen $25 gift cards or one of 25 packages of Milano cookies. Opinions are solely my own.